Monday, January 12, 2009

Fallen in review

Yesterday, I started a new sermon series "Life in the Key of 'f'" in which yesterday's message dealt with the tpic of the fallen nature of humanity. It doesn't take a hard look to recognize that people aren't all the should be.

I am no different from any culturally sensitive pastor in these days, I don't always know the best way to communicate the simple reality of our fallen nature...that due to our human desire to live life detached from God we are all bound to give into our darker sides. When I first started speaking, it seemed okay to stick out my fingers and rant about that three letter know it...sin. Today, I don't ever feel much like shouting about it because as I look int my life, I see enough of it in me I'd much rather hold my head in shame. I'm certainly not afraid to broach the subject, but I do approach it differently.

I have helped many people who have literally fallen get back to their feet or waited with them while they get the care they need. When we think about what it means to have a fallen nature, I hope we will be reminded of our own weakness and we will be kind enough to help up those around us. Outstretched hands did a lot for me and I need to do the same.


Mary Ruth said...

It's amazing that when we look at other people, we are looking at ourselves. The situation may be different, but the sin, if we look closely, is the same. How great that God loves us all. Too bad so many don't believe that. I'm glad I don't have to be at the Great White Throne Judgment to see those who don't believe when they realize how wrong they were.

Mary Ruth said...

Well, I haven't looked at your site in a long time because the "Key of F" thing was still on here, so I thought you hadn't added anything. So much for my thinking. You have some great thoughts. I'll be checking back more often.
Love you!